Learning to drive and learning the piano
Differences and similarities to learning to drive and learning to play the piano.
Similarities with learning to drive and learning the piano:
You can learn in your own car as well as the instructors car.
You can learn the piano on your own piano as well as the teacher's piano.
Sometimes when you are driving, you need to stop overthinking things to drive well.
Sometimes when you are playing the piano, you need to stop overthinking things to play well.
You get used to your own piano and when you get on your teachers piano it can be tricky.
You get used to your own car and when you get into your instructors car it can be tricky.
Differences with learning to drive and learning the piano:
The piano exam is on a different piano to the one you normally play on.
The driving test is in a car of your choice, either the instructors or your own.